In Case You Were Wondering About Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed...

This is the video that will be on the product page when this course goes live tomorrow, so obviously there's no button to press here to get the course...

But hopefully this answers any questions you might have had, and please feel free to leave comments or questions in the comments section below and I'll do my best to answer them all.


  • Keith

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Rock Tease!

  • Doug

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Let the count down begin..! 😊

  • Janet Brooks

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Count ME in!!

  • Ivan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hey Griff
    No question but just want to let you that this is an awesome course. A little off track from what I’m normally used to but this is definitely a keeper. Either now or down the road….
    Thanks for sharing the video. Great course!

  • Scott

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I feel like a kid who can’t wait for Xmas! Gotta wait another day ????!!!!!

  • Glenn Piearcey

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Of necessity, for brand new customers, this repeats some of the basic lessons in Blues Guitar Uleashed….. any plans for a cut-down version for those of us who have already been through the majority of the BGU courses… Please? It looks like a lot of fun.

  • Ken

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hi, looks good but not sure it is my thing. I play 1950s 60s rock n roll. I am going to give it a try though.

  • David J Derringer

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I’m all in!

  • Tdylan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Rock N Roll !!!

  • Jean

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Lookng forward to see what song you are covering.

  • Phil

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Fantastic, cant wait please take my money now!!!!1

  • Turbo Ed

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I am ready, Bring her on! Now to get the tone.

  • Dave

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hey Griff, I’m really digging the {CRG} samples you’ve given us so far and who better to start it off with than, Angus and Jimmy❗❗ I’m soooo glad that you’ve developed a lesson package for the classic rock genre, (Long Live, Rock & Roll!) Thanks Griff, For Unleashing it to all of us “Blues AND Rock” guitar enthusiast…!

  • Philip

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Rock n Roll baby, bring it on.

  • Steve C

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Thumbs UP Griff……..OK so we’re all keyed up for the new course, what’s next a follow on bass course from Steve A, Rock Bass for Guitar Players?

  • john strobel

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Griff love it I am in thx

  • Zeke

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Great job. Nice intro into what’s to come.

  • cowboy

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    looks great Griff…can’t wait…later.


  • Dave G

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I have more than a couple of your courses and I’m really looking forward to this one! I’m in as well. Can’t wait to order mine, I’m one of the guys who likes the thump on the porch.

  • Nicky

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    This is what I’ve been waiting for!

  • Rick

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Put me in Coach, I’m ready!

  • David Vorster

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks fantastic definitely a Yes for

  • John

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Still hoping that there will be tips on guitar, amp and pedal settings. And don’t forget one of the all-time greats, Rory Gallagher. Superb solos from a superb guitarist.

  • Michael Chappell

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hi Griff, This CRGU Course looks and feels great. It is certainly more advanced than where I am at present, but would be a must have course. Some of this CRGU course duplicates some of the BGU courses that I already have, but in a sense this one has been clearly designed to address Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed which is a different meaning to Rock sounds. It would be good to have the effects pedals that you are using or just OD.

    Thanks heaps.
    Michael – Sydney- Australia 17th March 2017.

    • John D, Sydney

      Reply Reply March 17, 2017

      Hey Michael, I have an old Boss ME 70 “multiple effects” (bought cheap 2nd hand – everyone wants the extra million tricks in the newer models that I have yet to find a use for….) stuck between a good guitar and a great all-valve amp (Bodega) that does very little else than take in an input and make it louder, with or without added drive distortion.

      If you can’t get the sound you want out of something like that you aren’t really trying!

      I also have a pedal board with several pedals that just sits in a cupboard. If I had lots of money, a great sound engineer and a genuine need for the very best sound I can get I’d probably go for shed-load of classic pedals over the Boss. But I don’t have any of the above, so it’s the Boss for me.

      If that is Sydney, Australia, we’re practically neighbours – I’m in Berowra. So if you want to try it before you buy it, give me a call 9456 4349

      • John D, Sydney

        Reply Reply March 17, 2017

        Laboga! A bit dyslexic this morning, it seems…

  • Ken

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks like another winner, Griff

  • Stan Bailey

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks like this is the culmination so all we’ve been learning with a steroidal injection. Can’t wait to get started!

  • Bob R.

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hey Griff,

    If I’ve already taken BGU and some of your other courses, won’t some of these lessons be repetitive?

  • Tony

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    This is going to be an awesome course!! Where’s that button?

  • Michael Valadez

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Griff, what size strings are you using on you black Les Paul style guitar? So seem to bend them so easily…michael

  • Leo

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    YES PLEASE!!!!!

  • KD

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Sold! Next you should do Jazzy Blues Guitar Unlseashed!

  • leo galan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Excited and ready to get it.

  • Nick van der Meij

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks awesome. I really want this course, but first I have to finish BGU and Strumming Mastery Course.

  • Babette LeBlanc

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Yes! I’m in primarily for the section on leads and your section on complete leads. Thanks Griff!!

  • Warwick Smiley

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Thanks for this, I will be in for the lessons.

  • So excited at yhe news -bring on tomorrow;jost like another Birthday

  • Kevin Shoopman

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    This is awesome and I can’t wait just what I have been looking for!

  • Jay

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I’ll take it.

  • Dave

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks like your best teaching program yet. One of my favorite things about your teaching method is that you COUNT the notes out loud. Because of you, I now count either silently or out loud while learning something new. This also helps to land on chord tones when there is a downbeat. I have found this to be a crucial aspect of improvising. After a while, the counting starts to come by feel, but doing the work of counting is what helps to develop that feeling. Thanks, Griff.

  • Mark a Wales uk

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Well looks like another excellent course which will be added to my collection
    Love the pinched harmonics 🤘😎🎶

  • Don

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Interested in seeing what carries over from one course to the other .lets see how close the blues are to rock & roll. Ok let’s learn more fun stuff

  • Stratguy949

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I have a feeling this will be a very successful course.

  • Ken

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    How about someone who is really new to guitar???

  • Neal Graham

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks like a great course Griff — Can’t wait to get it!!!

  • Jim

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hi Griff,
    Great lessons. Really want to purchase them… but I need to have them on DVDs or atleast on my computer. Will you offer them in either of these venues?
    Hope so.
    Have purchased many of your lessons and look forward to being able to add this to my collection.

  • Dan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Dig it.

  • Nick

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looking forward to the course and consider it SOLD. The Jimmy Page email sampler was great!

  • Frank

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    will there be any information on how to set up your guitar/amp to get this sound?

  • Joseph Gasbarrini

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Can’t wait to hear the thud on my porch !!!!! keep it coming Griff, we gobble up all your offerings and love ’em, stay cool as hell Griff !!!!

  • Doug Roosa

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Hey Grif–

    Nothing to do with your products (of which I have several and find immensely useful), but your choice of guitars. I saw on the G&L website a glowing endorsement by you for a G&L guitar — I believe it was for an ASAT — yet I never see you play a G&L in any of your lessons. Is there some contractual reason for that, or are you just not a fan of G&L?

    Not trying to be mean; just curious.


    • Griff

      Reply Reply March 18, 2017

      I love G&L guitars but I don’t actually own one. They usually lend me one to play for the videos but then I have to give them back 🙁

  • Jim

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Finished our speal and got my answer.
    Look forward to the “thump” and hours
    of your time.
    Thank you,

  • mike zeoli

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Griff , as I said the other day , this is a great lesson . I love this music , and was in my 20’s listening to it . Cannot wait to start playing . Mike

  • Bob

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Thanks Griff,
    I think this will be a good course, from what I’ve seen so far. I would like to see a section on distortion pedals, and other effects which are so crucial to the rock sound. I’d like to see what you’re using on some of the examples you show, such as on the AC/DC stuff and Jimmy Paige.
    Thanks, Bob.

  • Denis

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Is the difficulty level approx. the same as the BGU- course ?
    And the million dollar question : are the “cool rock earrings” included in the package ? 😉

  • Brad

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Tomorrow is not soon enough

  • Stan Daschke

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Want to order.!!!

  • Erik S. Friis

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Toto, this isn’t “Mell Bay” any more 😂

    Totally in Griff–I’ll take 10! 😉

  • Royce

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    How much is this going to cost? If the price is right
    I will buy it.

  • Jim

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    What a great looking course and perfect follow-up to the Blues!

  • Nick T

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Yep. This looks like the course I’ve been waiting for.all my life. Exactly what I’m wanting for my Birthday tomorrow! I’m

    Griff – Like Michael earlier I would appreciate it if you could share with us details of the strings you are using on the Gibson they look very light but they seem to make bending a lot lot easier. Any chance of a reply?

  • Eddie

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I love classic rock. Can’t wait to put in my order.

  • Rod Winterhalder

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    This looks like the best course yet; what the electric guitar was made for. Hope I can afford it!

  • Dan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    This is the course I have been waiting on for the past few years!

  • Dan

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    This is the course I have been waiting on for the past few years! Can’t wait to work on the solos. Thanks for including the EVH tapping! 🙂

  • Gary

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Im in! As soon as I finish the other two courses I have. This is the one I have been waiting for!

  • Wayne

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Can’t wait. Been through Blues Unleashed but really could not figure out how to apply it to rock. This series of lessons should really do the trick. I notice all the equipment. It would be great if you could do a video on how to create different sounds. Thanks

  • Will Holmer

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Im all in! Can’t wait to push the button, way to go Griff!

  • Wayne

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Also had trouble with pinch harmonics. I hope you address that in lesson.

  • John

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    Looks really good.A must have ground Base for some very familiar Rock guitar lessons.
    I think I’m in for sure Gruff.
    As per usual you make me wanna grab my fender and get involved.
    Thanks so much for your encouragement and relaxed engagement

  • Addinall

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I will probably buy it. I liked the trailers. I already own three products. How about some repeat buyers discount?!

  • Andy

    Reply Reply March 17, 2017

    I love it! Looks good and sounds good! Looking forward to ordering it! Thanks Griff for all your help!

    • David Love

      Reply Reply March 18, 2017

      Grif where do I find the details and cost of your new course? It is not at the bottom of this page which said it was!

      David Love

  • David Bonasera

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Please let me know when it’s out. I really like the lead section. Very cool.

  • Sean Drummond

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Mmmm, just what I’ve been wanting. Thanks, Griff!

  • Thatman

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Looking forward to enhancing and adding to my guitar knowledge with yet another great Guitar Unleashed product. Such great learning packages. 🎸 🎸


    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    sounds very intresting Griff,I would love to give it a try

  • Bernard Little

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Hey Griff love it. Look forward to getting it.

    I have your Classic Blues Unleashed course (version 2.0) BUT stupidly lost CD 1 when i had a problem with a computer which went badly wrong about a year ago. Is their any chance i can be sent a replacement copy? I would happily pay for it but just can’t afford to buy the whole package again.

    My address is 46, Birkendale Road, Sheffield S6 3NL England.


    Bernard Little

  • Gary Hylton

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017


    It just hit me while I was watching your video demonstration that you should go down in history as a “guitar great.” If I could only play half as good as you!!!

    Thanks for all you do to help those of us who play guitar – play a little better!

    Old School & Still Rockin’

  • Fraser

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Really looking forward to this!!

  • John

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Come on. Come on. It’s Saturday now. Where’s the button!

    I have to convince her why I need to buy an SG whilst we’re out clothes shopping today…

  • Erik S. Friis

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Done! I just bought the FULL course with printed manuals and DVDs! I still like to hear that “thud” on my porch! 😂

  • David Love

    Reply Reply March 18, 2017

    Hi Grif
    I scrolled down the bottom of the page to find about cost of your Classic Rock unleashed and there is nothing about or ordering at all.

    David Love

  • Eoin

    Reply Reply March 19, 2017

    Love it!

  • Noel Summers

    Reply Reply March 22, 2017

    Will you demonstrate the different settings on the amp too?? I know nothing about amps and need all the help I can get.

  • Jane good

    Reply Reply March 29, 2017

    Looks fantastic, but im still trying to play acoustic. thanks for the offer. and sorry i can’t participate

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