Attention: Blues Guitar Unleashed Subscribers Only

Finally… Unlock The Mysteries Of Modes With This New Video Course That Walks You Through Modes Step-By-Step…

If you want to finally understand the modes and be able to use them in your soloing, improvising, songwriting, and guitar learning… then this may just be exactly what you’ve been looking for… Here’s why…

But First, A Word Of Warning…

Before we go any further, let me make this perfectly clear:

Guitar playing can be kind of hard sometimes, and sometimes you might have to think a little bit and try some stuff out for yourself to fully understand it. It can take some time.

If you are a “I just play what I feel, and I don’t care to know what I’m actually playing” kind of player… this is absolutely NOT for you and you’d be wasting your money.

But if you are willing to do a little practice, and maybe watch the videos a few times to really grasp the concepts, then I can tell you that this system has worked for many students of mine over the years and I’m sure it will work for you too.

Now then… with that out of the way let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly What You’re Getting

Modes Unleashed is a step-by-step, experience-based video course on how the Modes work, and how you use them on your guitar.

What do I mean by experience-based, and what makes it different?

Well… you’re going to see soon enough that modes are not really that complicated. (In fact, they are actually nothing more than you looking at the major scale in a different way, not unlike how you do with major and minor pentatonic scales or any other scale.)

But, of course, if that was all to it, then we wouldn’t be here. And If you’re reading this letter, chances are you’ve heard of modes, and maybe even had some experience with modes – but they just seemed weird and didn’t make a lot of sense.

I felt the same way when I first learned about modes… I was like, “So what? How is that helpful?”

Now, when I was young and learning modes, I had all the time in the world to experiment with them and figure them out. It took hundreds of hours (if not thousands) but I figured them out and learned how they really work – not just what they are.

And I’ll be the first to admit that experience is always the best teacher, so my experience-based course is all about giving you the right experiences so that you can quickly evolve your own mental model of what modes are, how they work… and most importantly, what they can do for you.

The course consists of 13 complete video lessons, along with play along tracks, jam tracks, a complete manual with TABs and explanations – everything you’ll need to really understand the modes.

It’s About MORE Than Just “The Modes…”

Modes are just modes… it’s what you can do with them that make them amazing and useful.

For example, using modes (and a couple of my handy shortcuts) you can quickly analyze almost any chord progression and figure out what key it’s in, and what mode will fit over it for soloing. So you don’t have to wonder or guess anymore, you’ll know.

You can use modes to expand your soloing vocabulary outside of the basic pentatonic scales. Pentatonic scales are great, and they have a unique sound and a special place in my heart because so many great, classic sounds come from them. But the modes offer a way to play everything you love about the pentatonic scales… plus a lot more…

Modes give you all the notes, not just the ones that always work. That’s a double edged sword because it requires a bit of knowledge (which you’ll get, of course.) Without knowing how to use the modes, you can crash and burn. But with knowing, you can create ALL the sounds you hear in your head, not just the ones that fit in the pentatonic scales.

Also, because modes give you all the notes, no melodies are out of reach. And be hearing all of those new sounds, you will recognize them in songs you hear every day. Imagine just playing through a scale and recognizing a segment of “Still Got The Blues,” or “Peace Of Mind,” or any number of incredible classic songs. That happens all the time with modes because so many iconic melodies are just scales at their root.

And if you are ever looking to color outside the lines a little bit, modes give you the ability to expand your musical palette into outside sounds and more sophisticated soloing that you simply can’t do with pentatonic scales and blues scales.

So, like I said, there’s a lot more to this course than just playing the modes. Here’s just some of what you’ll be getting…

  • How to play each and every mode in the standard 2 octave shape. Before you can do anything, you have to be able to play the modes so, of course, we’ll handle that.
  • My 2 foolproof ways to ingrain the modes into your fingers… How many times have you learned a scale pattern, only to realize when you are soloing that you didn’t know it as well as you thought? I have 2 ways of practicing the modes that will ensure you don’t get lost when it counts.
  • How to move between the modes up and down the fretboard… because you don’t ever want to be stuck in just one small part of the fretboard – ever, when you solo.
  • How to quickly figure out the key and tonal center of almost any chord progression… Modes need a little information to make them work, but with my 2 tricks to analyze any chord progression in just a few seconds, you will know exactly what will work every time.
  • What do if the chord progression changes mode… There are 2 common situations where the mode changes, we’ll cover both of them with separate solo examples for each situation.
  • How to play solos using the modes… With 8 complete solo examples throughout the course, you’ll have a library of phrases and ideas using all of the different modes.
  • How to play 3 note per string versions of the modes for faster licks and runs… If you ever look at guitar players like Joe Satriani or Paul Gilbert, you’ll often see their fingers stretch out a bit to get 3 notes on every string. It’s not a huge stretch with modes and gives you a way to play much faster through your scales if that’s your thing. And if not, the 3 note per string modes also improve your mental model of the standard fingerings so it’s a win/win!
  • The “characteristic note” of each mode… By knowing what makes a mode unique and different from other modes, you can assess instantly which mode fits a given chord when things go a little “off the reservation”.
  • How to “bluesify” your modes when it makes sense… If you are a blues or classic rock player (or any style of music that is often blues based) then you need to know how to manipulate your 3rds to “bluesify” your modes. This gets rid of the sometimes blocky sound you get with the straight modes over blues, jazz, country, and blues-based rock music.

Yes, that’s a lot of information and a lot of guitar goodness, but it actually gets better because you’re also getting…

My New Harmonic Minor Scales Course!

As you start learning about the modes and the major and pure minor scales, you’re going to notice something that happens in songs like “Smooth” by Carlos Santana, or “Still Got The Blues” by Gary Moore, and even in songs like “Stray Cat Strut,” by Brian Setzer…

There are Dominant 7th chords that don’t appear to belong… but as it turns out they create a situation where you need a scale called the Harmonic Minor Scale and it’s a fantastic sound that I know you’re going to love.

So rather than try to explain a sound, check out these solo examples from the course and hear it for yourself!

The Harmonic Minor Scale is also a complete video course with video, play-along and jam tracks, and a complete manual with TABs for everything.

I’ll walk you through every fingering of the scale that I ever use…

I’ll walk you through how to use the scale and when to use it for the most effectiveness…

You’ll get 3 complete solos with dozens of phrases or licks that you can steal and use in your own playing right away.

The Harmonic Minor Scale fits hand-in-glove with the Modes to round out your understanding of music in general… with this course no stone is left unturned.

So Here’s What To Do Next

Modes Unleashed is a little over 5 hours of video content, plus all the jam tracks and play along tracks, and the complete manual which is about 55 pages long.

The Harmonic Minor Scale is an additional couple of hours of video content, jam tracks and play along tracks, and an additional manual.

The cost of Modes Unleashed is $97, and The Harmonic Minor Scale is $49… normally.

But because Modes Unleashed is brand new, I’m not only giving you 20% off, I’m literally giving you The Harmonic Minor Scale for free – I’m just throwing it in there.

You can access the courses right away in your secure Member Portal right after your order is complete – it’ll literally take like 20 seconds and you can be starting.

And if you’re more of a “thump on the doorstep” kind of person (I totally get that… I’m the same way) then I’ve got DVD delivery options as well, but you still get the instant access digital edition no matter what you decide.

What’s The Catch?

In case you’re wondering, there is no catch. There is not some hidden monthly program or anything like that. You don’t have to do any kind of trial or autoship this that or the other…

You can choose to break up your order into 3 payments in the shopping cart and I don’t even charge extra for that (I can only do that on credit card orders, not with Paypal, I’m sorry.)

Why Act Today?

Well, Modes Unleashed is new, and it’s only “new” for a week. Once the countdown timer hits zero, it’s normal price (no 20% off) and you don’t get the Harmonic Minor Scale bonus for free anymore.

So you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity if you’re even remotely interested in playing more melodically and understanding music, soloing, and improvising better.

Oh, The “Other” Most Important Thing…

In case you haven’t yet spent any time on the Blues Guitar Unleashed Member Forum, I just want to take a moment and try to explain to you just how incredible a community it is.

We have thousands of enthusiastic guitar players from around the globe posting recordings, asking questions, talking about gear, and even setting up jam sessions and get togethers from corners far and wide.

It is absolutely the best online guitar forum anywhere… and that’s why I hang out there so often.

You WILL NOT be abandoned and if you have questions about any course your purchase from me, that is where you can get the answers (usually with a side of encouragement and humor 🙂

Most of the members there will tell you that the value of their membership to that forum far exceeds any amount they’ve paid for any courses. And you’ll have complete access right away as soon as your order is complete.

My “No Questions Asked” 365 Day Promise…

As with all of my courses, try it out for yourself and see if it isn’t everything I’ve promised it to be…

If, for ANY reason, you don’t love it within 365 days from today, just let one of my friendly helpdesk operators know and we’ll refund your purchase 100% …

And you don’t even have to send it back.

How’s that for a fair deal?

NOTE! Before You Order Today…

This course is brand new and is in “pre-order” status. That means if you choose the hardcopy materials, they will take 2-3 weeks to be shipped. Normally we get things out right away, but I never know how many to make on the first batch so it takes a little longer.

To get your copy of Modes Unleashed just click the yellow “Add To Cart” button below with your preferred delivery method. Within moments of your order being complete you will receive access instructions to the Member Portal via email. So you can be playing the blues in just a few minutes from right now!


mul-digmul dig

This is a one time payment, NOT a subscription. 3 Payment option is available on the next page.

PS – If, for some reason, you just skimmed down to the bottom to see “the bottom line,” here it is…

You can get my new Modes Unleashed course for 20% off this week and I’ll include a free copy of my new Harmonic Minor Scale course for free.

Grand total that’s about 8 hours of video content, complete play along and jam tracks, plus complete manuals with TABs for every note.

But this offer is only good as long as this page is up. When the countdown time hits zero, it’s gone and back to normal.

You can get it in instant access digital edition, or you can also have the hardcopy shipped to you.

Plus, as always, you get my 365 day “no questions asked” guarantee, and you don’t even have to send it back.