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“If You’ve Ever Been Frustrated Trying To Learn Classic Rock Licks And Solos Because You Simply Could Not Play Fast Enough… Then This Is For You…”
Finally discover how to push through your own personal speed limits and play with more speed, control, and confidence than ever before…
If you’d like to play faster, but you think that your fingers just won’t do it, then I have some good news and some bad news…
The good news is that, in my experience, there’s about a 99.5% chance you are wrong, and your fingers are perfectly capable of going much faster…
The bad news is that, your fingers will only go as fast as you tell them. And that means the real problem is not in your fingers, but between your ears.
Or, more specifically, it has to do with your brain’s ability to subdivide beats and tell your fingers to move at the right time… if they move at the wrong time, you make mistakes and the likely side effect is that you’ll convince yourself that you simply can’t move your fingers that fast.
But, let’s get something straight…
It takes a little time and a little patience to unlearn the way you’ve trained your brain, ears, and fingers…
But, it absolutely can be done – and it can be done faster than you might think if you stick with it and you can follow some fairly simple instructions.
So understanding that, let me show you…
Exactly What You’re Getting

Classic Rock Speed Builders is all about getting you playing Classic Rock style licks and solos faster, and in more control, than ever before.
We all want to be able to play like Jimmy Page, or David Gilmour, or Chuck Berry, or Angus Young… but those guys play really fast sometimes and you can’t just jump in and expect to achieve those kinds of speeds.
Here’s how (and why) my Classic Rock Speed Builders system works:
- As I mentioned, your fingers are not the bottleneck in your speed. For 999 out of 1000 students I see, the problem is in their ability to subdivide beats internally, and count the beats out loud while playing. Counting out loud and subdividing beats properly during your lead playing is front-and-center in the entire course.
- In my 10 minute warmup routine, you’ll learn how to improve your baseline technique and how to combat the most common technique mistakes I see most guitar players make. Plus, you’ll learn 4 proven drills that will fix those technique errors and get you on the path to more effortless guitar playing in any style.
- Most people put the notes first, and the counting and timing second on the list of priorities. But you need to reverse that order, and the way to do that is to make you play faster than you currently can. By forcing you to keep the count going, even if the notes falter, you will quickly retrain your brain into putting the timing first and the notes second. Then your internal clock can develop and you can play everything better and faster than before.
- Many Classic Rock licks are all built from the same “moves” which are usually 3-5 note fragments that repeat and show up in dozens, if not hundreds, of licks. By focusing in on those fragments first, then mixing and matching them together into longer and longer licks, you’ll learn to group your efforts – much like a typist learns to group letters together into a word.
- Using “speed bursts” and playing outside of your comfort zone trains your fingers and brain to know what you’re going to expect of them. Fingers will get lazy and practicing slowly all the time just makes you really good at playing slowly – not what you want. Being able to play faster means that your slow playing is more effortless, leaving you with leftover brain power and energy to come up with cooler things to play.
- It’s great to play a bunch of examples and licks, but it’s even better to see how they turn into “real” solos. So for each of the first 3 groups I’ve also provided a 16 bar solo example at various tempos. Using these will help you improve your technique, maintain your chops, and learn new licks to play simultaneously.
- The examples used in each Group were taken from hundreds of solo examples – many of which are found on popular Classic Rock recordings. So you know that these moves are going to set you up with the ability to play and execute any soloing idea you might want to play.
- It truly doesn’t matter where you are now. Even if you can barely play a single note, you can improve with this system. Even if you never even play along with the track for the first 30 days, you’ll still get faster, you won’t be able to help it. You’ll have a hard time measuring it, but you’ll get faster and if you record yourself at the beginning and the end of the first 30 days, you’ll hear and feel the difference.
The 57 different speed building examples are divided into 4 Groups ranging from fairly simple (1/8th notes and not much horizontal movement) to quite complex (Eric Johnson/Joe Bonamassa style 1/32nd notes with several position shifts throughout the example.)
It’s a straightforward process to start with Example 1 in Group 1, memorize it, then play it along with the provided Level 1 click track. That track will guide you through playing the example 8 times at 3 increasing speeds. If you can play all 3, move on to the Level 2 speed, and then on to Level 3 speeds.
Eventually, you’ll have all 18 Group 1 examples memorized and you can keep them sharp by playing the 16 bar solo for that group – which also has a backing track at several different tempos so you can keep your skills sharp and even continue to build them as you add more examples to your personal bag of tricks.
From there, simply move on to Groups 2, 3, and 4 as you continue to increase speed and comfort every time you pick up your guitar.
But There’s More To Guitar Than Just Playing Faster…
Sure, it’s great to have the ability to turn on the speed boosters and play some cool stuff, but there is, actually, another benefit to this type of course that is even more important to you…
Think about a solo like “Free Bird,” and maybe you’ve noticed how there are a lot of short phrases that get repeated over and over again…
As it turns out, that’s pretty common in a lot of solos – the same short fragments of material get reused in dozens, if not hundreds of licks.
If you have figured out and transcribed hundreds of famous solos, you would probably have long since seen the patterns that repeat… but if you haven’t, here’s where I can shortcut that process for you.
By learning these fragments and short phrases and memorizing the way you do in this course, you’ll not only be able to play them, you’ll be able to recognize them when you hear them.
That means later on, if there is some other solo or lick that you hear and want to learn, you won’t have to spend time hunting around through the endless sea of available notes and bends in front of you – you’ll likely recognize most of the lick as something you’ve played before and your only task will be to fill in some of the details from a very short list of reasonable choices.
So like I said, there’s a lot more to this course than just playing faster. Here are just some of the things you’re getting…
- How to improve your posture and hand position even if you’ve been playing dead wrong for the last 50 years… without getting a hand cramp every time. You see, it turns out that there are a few simple things you can do to solve dang near every hand position issue that comes up, and I’ll show them to you in the Warmup video for the course.
- How to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, whether or not your technique is correct, or even workable. There’s a simple litmus test that you’ll get within the first 10 minutes of the warmup video.
- Why improving your “classical” hand position will improve your blues and rock playing even though it needs to be “wrong” to do the bends.
- Say goodbye to your metronome… at least at first. The reason your metronome or jam tracks are probably causing you more frustration than helping you is in the first “Breakdown” video for the first group of examples.
- The truth about “perfection,” and why we keep it as nothing more than a goal and understand why it’s not possible (and why we don’t care!)
- When to “push” the speed, even though you’re making mistakes. This is one of the biggest “Aha” moments of the whole course because it was one of my biggest “Aha” moments as a student!
- Don't know when to tap your foot for those more difficult passages? You will in the Group 3 Breakdown videos!
- How slow is slow enough or too slow? The answer might surprise you.
- Why are 1/8th notes at 160bpm the same as 1/16th notes at 80bpm? But more importantly, why are they different and why can’t most people play them even though they are the same speed?
- How to count various triplets and mix them with straight time counting. These happen in the Group 3 examples and are a great sound that you’ve heard dozens of times in famous Classic Rock solos.
And of course, there is more besides, but mostly you’re getting no less than 57 staples of Classic Rock guitar, completely TABbed out note-for-note with detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to play them, and how to play them faster and cleaner than you may have ever thought possible.
So Here’s What To Do Next
Classic Rock Speed Builders is just $119 (but today you can get it for just $67) and you can get it instantly as a digital download or stream it from your own private Member Portal on your computer or mobile device (as long as you have an internet connection.) It never goes away and you can access it any time.
However, if you prefer to have me print out the manual I can do that for you, and there is also an option for DVDs and Data CDs if you want.
You can have the course however you prefer, just click the “Add To Cart” button that fits your style, and complete the secure checkout to get your copy today.
Is That It?
Pretty much.. that’s about it.
As always, you get my iron-clad, 90 day guarantee. If you don’t love Classic Rock Speed Builders, just let my friendly helpdesk know and you’ll get a complete refund, no questions asked – and you don’t even have to send it back.
My private students that have gone through some of this training have paid me upwards of $1000 for this information and done so willingly, and they don’t even get a money-back guarantee!
So to get this complete course, all the videos, TABs, audio playalongs, on-screen tab, and, of course, membership to the Blues Guitar Unleashed member forum… for $119 $67 is kind of a no-brainer.
There’s no catch, no hidden continuity thing, and no shenanigans to be found. The order form is secure and you can rest assured that your privacy and data are safe. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose…
Now Is The Time…
Putting this off until “someday” is just putting off success that much longer, and there’s no reason for that. If you really want to make improvements now, you have to act now, it’s that simple.
And with my 90 day no-questions-asked-you-don’t-even-have-to-send-it-back guarantee, this is the perfect chance to finally be able to play almost any Classic Rock lick, on command.
So click the “Add To Cart” button below that fits your style (digital, digital with printed manual, or digital with the printed manual and the DVDs and CD.)
To get your copy of Classic Rock Speed Builders just click the yellow “Add To Cart” button below with your preferred delivery method. Within moments of your order being complete you will receive access instructions to the Member Portal via email. So you can be playing the blues in just a few minutes from right now!
This is a one time payment, NOT a subscription. 3 Payment option is available on the next page.
PS – In case you thought, “Oh, I’ll just scroll down to the bottom and get the scoop,” let me hip you to it…
I’m offering you a great chance to try my new Classic Rock Speed Builders course that will help you to be able to play over 20% faster, with way more control, in the first 30 days, and I guarantee it.
There is about 8 hours of video, 263 Audio examples, and a whole bunch more good stuff for you.
You can get it all for just $67, with my iron-clad 90 day guarantee.
Sound good? Great! Then get yours here.